Blue Eskimo
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Useful articles

Helping to keep learning professionals and organisations up-to-date with training and recruitment issues – and helping people with their careers.

Workforce planning – yes, you can plan your workforce

#Employment strategies

Companies generally plan their resources on a headcount basis – when what they really need to do is plan in terms of skills.

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Look before you sell

#Skills development

Many people see sales purely as a numbers game – you throw enough bait into the pond and surely someone’s got to bite? But more successful selling, especially in L&D, takes far more forethought.

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Stepping stones to successful selling

#Skills development

Consistently successful selling, for obvious reasons, represents the key goal for any salesperson wanting a long and rewarding career in sales. There is, however, no magic formula that can immediately result in huge increases in your revenues.

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Learning and Performance Institute announces partnership with Blue Eskimo

#News updates

LPI to partner with L&D’s leading recruitment provider, offering new insights and strategies around the global skills landscape.

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